Friday, May 8, 2009

Jake The Snake

I think I'll pretend to blame my old laptop for my lack of real pictures on my blog, but honestly, I pretty sure that I'm just lazy.
Please bear with the insane amount of pictures here... I've really been behind. Hey, at least he's adorable.

We thought we'd take Jake to our little park to swing. He thought it was pretty cool.

I love his expression here... He's looking at his Daddy. So sweet.

Hanging out in the high chair.

Probably staring at the TV.

Smiling in his crib. I love this kid!

Playing with Daddy.

Jake started this up about a month ago. He sticks his little feet through the bars of his crib. We think it's pretty funny. He rolls all over the place in there now and grabs his mobile. Needless to say, the crib has been lowered.

Chillin' in his swing. This is the darling sleeper Nannie bought him.

Sitting up on his blanket.

Just look at those big eyes!

Goofing off for me and the camera.

Blaine is placating me a little bit here... I bought Jake this little shirt because I knew Blaine had a matching one. Green stripes squared.

Happy cowboy.

Just laughing.

I can't imagine life without this happy, funny baby boy. Who knew life could be this full? I sure didn't.


  1. I love these pictures! What a cool kid!

  2. He is a doll!!! Sure is funny how motherhood changes everything! You did good Alicia!

  3. Baby Jake is the best looking and happiest little boy any grandmother could hope for. And he's lucky to have such a great mom and dad. See you next month!

  4. He is very adorable! I can't believe he is getting so big! We had to lower my kids cribs all the way to the last one since they both now try and hang over the front standing up. Little stinkers.
    Thanks for sharing those cute pictures.

  5. He really is beautiful...great photos Alicia! I love the feet one, way cool. We love baby Jake!

  6. I meant to tell you in the comment above that I love your new layout!

  7. Oh, my gosh. I LOOOOOVVVEE HIM! One of my favorites is the one of Jakey looking up at Blaine in the swing. So glad we got to hang out this week!

  8. I just feel bad for his first sibling...She'll never have as many photo-ops.

    At least they're adorable!

  9. "Grammar nit-pick" question... Is it "further" than or "farther" than, in relation to your then/than nit-picking?

  10. But does Blaine have matching socks, too?
    --darling photo updates!

  11. Yay! I love that kid! We need to hang out now that Kaiya's feeling a little better. By the way, she totally LOVES the "Jake the snake" song. (No, I'm not creative and I didn't change the words to fit her name.)

  12. Summer is still waiting for a phone call and a date with Jake.....
