Monday, May 11, 2009

Five Minute Tulips.

We loved the Tulip Festival this year. I was so excited to capture it all with the camera, and I did... for about five minutes until my battery died. Who knew you had to charge those things? I suck. It reminded me of when Markelle and I took the kids to the zoo and when I realized I forgot my camera I stated (very loudly for comedic effect), "What's the point of going to the zoo if you can't even blog about it afterward?"
Oh well, it was beautiful and we had a great time. A double-hitter.
 Blaine and Jake. Jake loved touching the flowers; he thought they were pretty cool and we thought it was pretty funny.

At least Brent, Markelle and Jackson got a great family picture.
Stupid battery.


  1. Hey, you got more pictures than I thought! AND you at least brought your camera. More than I can say about myself

  2. haha. I have had that SAME thought too. What's the point if you can't damn blog about it? Might as well go home. hahaha. Charge your battery! We're dyin for pictures on here!

  3. I know I've fallen victim to this virtual society when I take pictures for the sole purpose of blogging. (And when I use newfangled "verbs" like blogging.)

    Because you're a bad mom is you're not blogging about life experiences like introducing your kid to the animal kingdom, family vacations, or birthdays. It's like they might as well have never happened :)

  4. By the way, Jake looks so big sitting up in his stroller!
