Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lost is Boss

(No spoiler yet):
Oh. My. Holy. Crap.
I freaking love this show. It has blown my mind again and again and again. And last night's season closer was no different.
What is going on?
(Spoiler here):
Jacob? Wow. Finally some... well, not answers but something to chew on. Is there some religious theme coming out here? One man who guides our characters but ultimately gives them their agency? Or, is Jacob really the bad guy that Locke's new persona wants him to be? I keep thinking about the opening scene where Jacob and his nemesis are talking on the beach and Jacob says, "There is one end, and the rest in between is just progress", or something to that effect. It definitely plays on the whole "destiny" theme of the show.
Who is this other man who hates Jacob so much? What does he want? Is he protecting something? Is he actually the smoke monster? Has he been impersonating dead people to manipulate the characters?
Who is on The Black Rock ship?
Where are Desmond and Penny?
Is Claire dead or is she being manipulated by whoever is Christian?
Just what is Richard's role on the island?
Will we ever see Faraday, Charlie, or the real Locke again?
What does everyone think of the new Jack?
Who else hates Benjamin Linus???
"What lies in the shadow of the statue?"
And what about Juliet?????
That moment when she told "James" how much she loves him before she spiraled down into the belly of the island (leaving Sawyer screaming for her to "not leave him") was maybe the most heart-wrenching thing I've ever seen. I love them as a couple. Screw Kate! I said it.
I can't believe I have to wait until two-thousand-freaking-ten to find out if they will indeed be at LAX... and if so, will they have the memories of the island like Desmond's real memory with Faraday outside the hatch? Ahhhhh! I can't take it.
I guess I'll have to re watch them all before the final season.
I love this show.


  1. Okay I was enthralled (sp?)...oh no, you are an English teacher...anyway, back on track...I loved your post. I too love this show and think about it for hours. I wish I could watch it with you cuz!

  2. Well, I had to read your post,(spoilers included), cuz I can't get enough of it. Val and I have just finished season 3 and all this info is still enormously entertaining and mind blowing!

    Good arse show!

  3. yes, yes, yes. Screw Kate I am so sick of her when it comes to relationships.

    The religious/philosophical themes of the show (destiny v. agency)are really making it intriguing; and are totally being personified by Jacob and maybe . . . Jack?

    I don't like the new Jack. He's become a zealot to destiny.

    Next season is going to rawk!

    In other news, I am in Utah until 6/24 so we really need to get together. Miss you.

  4. I am laughin my BUTT off, as I have thought those EXACT thoughts all week!!! I agree on the whole Kate thing, boo on her. I liked Sawyer and Juliet...but again, were they "meant to be"?!? ugh...

  5. We are a season behind and I am glad. I cannot stand waiting for the new seasons to begin. I will have to watch this last season like a week before the new one begins.

  6. I've said it far as plot goes...LOST is boss! I am so constantly amazed how they can take tiny things from every other season and link them together! I about wet myself when it showed Jacob walking and then Locke fell out of the window AND when Sayid's girlfriend got hit by the bus (oh so Meet Joe Black style). And I totally loved your insight into Jacob's nemesis maybe being able to imitate dead people. Does that mean every vision the characters have had were just minipulations??? Was Hurley really talking to his friends or this crazy new guy?? Man....I hate you JJ may be worse than JK Rowling making me wait to find out. Oh well...hooray for LOST!!!

  7. I totally agree with every word that you have written and every question you have asked!!! I especially love Juliet and Sawyer together!!! So Cute. By the way, Jake is getting so big and he is absolutly darling. I am glad you posted pics!!!

  8. hehe as I read it I could feel all the same emotions from when I watched it the other night--intrigue, annoyance, anxiety, "what the" and anger. (mainly because we have to wait until 2010)

    yep you just about covered all my questions, thoughts, etc. good writing...

    I'm just glad Kate hasn't flung herself onto LaFleur. at least yet:) and I think I might like the new Jack, can't decide.

  9. I am sorry I am so late, man I have been out of blogging lately. Oh Alicia....I freaking love this show and I can't believe we have to wait so long for the end. I am so anxious to get some answers and to see what happens but kind of sad that it will actually be over.

    I can't imagine that they will actually be in LAX, I just can't. But I am anxious to see if we get some old people back and what happened to Claire and so on. The Jacob twist and the whole John Locke still being in the coffin was CRAZY! Seriously, there is too much to talk about, I just wish we lived by eachother and could watch together.

  10. Did you really just use the term "Boss". Wow. I haven't heard that for forever but THANK you.
