Tuesday, May 26, 2009


While watching baby Kaiya the other day for Michelle and Brad, I may or may not have taken a ridiculous amount of pictures of these cute cousins. There was laughing, jabbering, eating of feet and stealing of bows involved. Enjoy.


  1. Oh MY goodness....they are so darling!

  2. Stop it. That is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I am laughing so hard. I love the eating the feet and then him grabbing the bows. I could totally see Spencer eyeing that huge bow and then just wanting it as a meal. THANK you for posting those pictures. Hope you guys had fun.

  3. Ok, that may be the funnest series of pictures ever. I love the eating of feet! Those toes do look delicious so who could blame her. So cute!

  4. these are the cutest kids ever! (of course I am a little biased!!!) Thanks for the pictures. I can't wait to meet all of these sweet kids!

  5. Those are so cute! I love cousin pictures. I always take a bunch of pictures when I have my kids and nieces and nephews around too.

  6. I love the ones where she is sucking on his toes. So adorable.

  7. hilarious, and I am glad you took a ridiculous amount of pictures; that way we can see what was going on! loved em

  8. I'm not sure what I love more... Kaiya eating JAKE'S feet, or the whole bow scenario. Those are freaking fantastic!!! It seriously makes me so happy to see all these kids starting to interact with each other. I love it!

  9. oh al--these are fantacular! You can NEVER post TOO many pictures of MY nieces and nephew! I love that you gave us a play by play! Hope the weekend in NM was fun, I thought about you! I want to quit my job and be a full-time nanny for all the Lee babies! One day at your house (you helping me with some interior decorating), one day at Laurel's house (her helping me with some baking secrets), and then Michelle's house (praying over couches--and I meant praying not preying...) love you lic!

  10. These pictures are awesome. I'm a little grossed out at the stuff my daughter shoves in her mouth... but that is cute.

  11. Ok, That is so funny. I love that he took her bow. SOOO CUTE!
