Friday, May 29, 2009

To Prove Something About Myself... Er, Maybe TO Myself

I realize that I am at risk of becoming a mom who only blogs about her kid. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just not the sole reason I started blogging in the first place--which was to shamelessly promote my own vain antics of pop-culture and "journaling". That being said--I get WAY more response with the "kid talk" on here, but will try to plug my own selfish thoughts anyway... here it goes.

I've discovered the "25 most listened to" option on my ipod. I guess I knew it was there, but didn't start frequenting the list until pretty recently. Maybe I was afraid of what would be on there... sometimes, my choices for tunes are less than "hip". (Who doesn't like a little Spice Girls here and there? C'mon!) Anyway, I've surprised myself with my own taste (even though there was very little that wasn't considered "retro"), and rediscovered an entire album in the process. There was Tom Petty, The Clash, Aimee Mann, The Cure, The White Stripes, Depeche Mode, and YAZ.

: Upstaires at Eric's. Man, what an album. I got all nostalgic listening to it in its entirety... and was brought back to nights dancing with Val in her bedroom in Middle School. Yeah, the band was old even then-- we were always considered "retro", I guess. Some favorites from 'Eric's' include: Midnight, Only You, and In My Room. All very mod-sounding and very Euro. I love it. Give it a listen--I dare you.


  1. That is definitely an all-time-classic album everybody must have. Sadly, I don't know where my copy is. I might have to make a stop at Graywhale on the way home. ;) Gotta love Yaz

  2. I'm suddenly intrigued by 1) Val
    2) YAZ...I've never even heard of 'em!
    More blogs please.

  3. I LOVE that album. I did the same thing in middle school, and of course there were only 3 of us that know who Yaz was. Alicia, you are a girl after my own heart.

  4. If I had interests outside my children (read: personality) I'd blog about them, too.
    This album reminds me of you -and EFY, with a creepy mannequin in an upstairs window...
    Great album choice indeed.

  5. So I definitely only have you to thank for my Yaz exposure, but that song still always makes me think of the fabulous end-scene to "Can't Hardly Wait". And the sad thing is that nobody else even recognized that song's genius!

  6. Hmmm...I seem to remember a teenaged Alicia dancing in her basement bedroom while listening to ear-blasting music and wearing nothing but a towel. Good times.

  7. Yeah, I've turned into one of those moms too. It's hard not to when the kids are our whole world. But glad you found a way out and I like listening to your random stuff because you love pop culture like nobody else and I love it!

  8. You're so class, Alicia! My top 25 includes Aimee Mann's "Stupid Thing." Ohhhh, I love that song!

  9. Oh I have so many things to say about this post. First, THANK you for posting about things outside of your children (yes I know right now I only post about my children, but I too have other interests, so I understand your need.). I thoroughly enjoy people's writings, thoughts and ruminations. Second, I can't even say enough about this album. It's so interesting the people who know this album. I can tell right off that if a person has heard of Upstairs at Eric's, we will be friends right away. I got a huge smile on my face with a wide open surprise that you posted this album. F'amazing, I tell you. And last, I definitely have a random way of organizing my ipod and people would raise their eyebrows if they ever tried listening to it. I listen to songs like 50,000 times (in a row) and then delete them (saved on computer) and don't listen to them again for a long time. Until I get sentimental and put them back on. hahaha. So there's no rhyme or reason. So, I'm looking forward to more posts about your vain antics. I'm intrigued.
