Tuesday, June 2, 2009


It happened last night...

My first trip to the new Nordstrom Rack and I found the perfect pair of summer wedge sandals.
Cork. Suede. Red. I was in love.

But I had to convince Blaine.
So, I carried 'righty' around the store with me for a while. I know-- I'm weird. Sometimes I need to hold on to something in a store to convince myself that either: a) I really, really want and/or need it, or b) I don't. (I was also wearing a darling Nordstrom plaid jacket at the time. Don't judge me.)

Anyway, we had just put back the jacket and were on our way back to women's shoes to make a decision. I was leaning on buying the red beauties as I rounded the corner to discover that 'lefty' was M.I.A. Instead of my box with one shoe there was nothing. "Huh," I said, as I looked at Blaine quizzically.

Then we saw each other. The pretty, tall, blonde girl with excellent skin and style. She was looking at me holding [my] box with 'lefty' and I was standing there with 'righty' perched in my hand. We awkwardly laughed at ourselves and the predicament we had found ourselves in. It would have been an adorable situation for a Romantic Comedy, except that we were only interested in those damned shoes.

We exchanged some phrases like, "Um, you saw them first," {her} and "Well, I really shouldn't be buying them anyway" {me}. I think she was a little intimidated by Blaine, who kept making "jokes" that we were going to slash her tires and beat her up in the parking lot. I assured her that he was "all talk" and ultimately let her have them. (And, no they didn't have any more in my size... I checked.)

I was so depressed the rest of the night I almost didn't enjoy the rolls at Texas Roadhouse. *Sigh*

Her parting words to me were, "Thanks... you have some major goood Karma coming your way."
I hope so, Pretty, Tall, Blonde Girl with Excellent Skin and Style.
I really hope so.


  1. I'm totally laughing right now . . . and crying a little for you at the same time! That seriously sucks!!

  2. awesome post, at least! (I know it doesn't make up for it.) :)

  3. oh my good gosh this is hysterical! You are so nice and in this case TOO nice! Stupid blonde, tall, bitch! I'm with Blaine, let's slash her tires. I'll distract her and you pull her shoes off her feet! Oh, how I loved this post and totally understand finding the perfect summer shoe...ugh looks like you'll have to do some more shopping!!!!! Oh I am still smiling thinking about this!xo

  4. SAD!!! And completely hilarious. :) I truly hope you find some replacement perfection shoes!

  5. Awww, Alicia. You are too nice! Nice excuse to get out and shop a little more. (However, the description of those shoes sound just. like. you.) I hope you find a perfect replacement.

  6. That would have been a hard thing for me to give up! Once I have my mind set on something I WANT IT!! You were very nice to give them up to someone eles. That is a very funny and Sad for you story that you didn't get the shoes.. Happy shoe hunting the next time you go looking!!

  7. I am laughing too. You do have some good Karma coming your way (but you know if she wasn't wanting them you may not be wanting them still at this moment). And you must have good style too since pretty blonde and yourself were after the same shoe.

    And Elizabeth has a good point - this supplied you with great material. You crack me up!

  8. You are a discount store saint. They are rare. I know this first hand.

  9. I was totally expecting your story to end with a cat fight, where you guys were clawing each other, like in the movies or something. You were totally gracious and ya... I guess that's how I would have acted too. Just been gracious and given them to her. So, why in my right mind would I picture you guys jumping over racks of clothes and pulling each other's hair? That's probably what you WANTED to do though, huh? Cuz now you have no red shoes that you're gonna think about for weeks. SUCH a bummer. Love the story though.

  10. seriously, you are supposed to grab the box and RUN to the checkout, I am a little disappointed. Just kidding. You are so nice!!!

  11. I'm kind of pissed off for you. Sorry dude. But that is funny.

  12. Your sad story reminds me of one of my uglier moments. I'm really not proud but now I think it is kinda funny. I was wallpaper shopping and found the exact paper I was looking for in the bargain bin! I grabbed all 4 rolls (exactly what I needed) and carried them around the store with me. This nasty woman came up to me and accused me of stealing her wallpaper. She told me she had just put them down for a minute. At any rate, we kind of had it out and the conversation ended with my telling her, "Lady, they weren't in your hands!" So what's the moral of the story? I raised a better person than I am.

  13. Reminds me of Serendipity.

    Thought of you the other day while driving in my car listening to The Clash - London's Calling.

    Great to see you, miss you already.

  14. Clearly you took the wrong route. You should have told her the shoe made her face look fat and the red brings out her blothcy complexion.

  15. This is hilarious! I'm glad that I read down on all of the posts that I have missed-so worth it!
