Monday, June 1, 2009

Fly Me to the Moon

While in NM, (that's NEW Mexico for you simpletons out there) we participated in the traditional Carter Rocket Festival. We all built our rockets (and by "we all", I mean that Blaine made mine), painted them (by "painted" I mean that I adhered some stickers), and then sent them flying.
I'll be honest, when I heard the plans for said Festival, I was kind-of excited--I mean, I thought it might be fun and kinda cool, but was not expecting the phenomenon the Carter boys were making it out to be. Needless to say, it was pretty much awesome. Who knew that blowing things up into the air could be so much fun? I won't include any captions on these pics, because well, they pretty much speak for themselves.


  1. I kind of want to be a Carter.

  2. Im totally cracking up about the comment above!

    Its true though, the Carters always know how to have a good time!!!

  3. I love all the pearly white legs.

  4. I LOVE the first pic of cool! yay thanks for sharing, it was fun!

    member when your rocket actually did fly to the moon?

  5. I'm agreeing with Michelle on this one. Come on...rockets, gingerbread houses, the BEACH house... Do we need to jazz up some Lee traditions?

  6. I guess there wasn't a whole lot going on in Bloomfield that weekend, huh? Just kidding,that's just the jealousy talkin'

  7. Stewart taught me about blasting rockets in when we were in Kentucky. It was freaking awesome!
