Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sand In My Shoes

Well, we've been back for about a week now and I'm finally getting these pictures on here. I've got a ridiculous amount of pictures (be warned) so the Disneyland ones will have to wait for now. Anyway, we had such a great time. Seriously who can ever say anything but greatness about a week ON the beach with people you love. Steve and Chris: Thank you. WE LOVE YOU!
Here we go.
 Here are the boys on the beach.
Sean, Jack, Brent, Blaine, Jake, Doug and Steve.

We became obsessed with getting Jake to enjoy the ocean.
He liked it from a distance...
But I think the "impact" kind of freaked him out.
This is actually the first attempt...
Not so great.

My boys.

Handstand contest.

Markelle may beat me up for this... but I think she's cute--especially wearing Jack's visor.
Rocking on with Uncle Sean.
Sleeping at the beach house was a little rough for Jake man. Leave it to The Baby Whisperer to get him down... This was pretty much the daily routine.
Jack was NOT afraid of the water.
But Jake LOVED the sand. Go figure.
Just playin'
Sandy toes.
Playing with Daddy.

Jake loved standing in the holes Grandpa would dig for him.

Sandy Jack. This kid was hilarious.
We thought it was fitting that the little boys destroy the sand castle the big boys built. It was pretty impressive with its moat and everything. I was told that "Helm's Deep" was their inspiration.

Who are those dorks?
Jake waving and Daddy the pirate.
Waving was the new trick of the trip.
Here's Jake's ocean of choice... the kiddie pool set up on the deck. He was in heaven here.

Nona Chris and Jacob Blaine.

Handsome Blaine.

Just taking in the view.
We braved the water with the water-proof case.
Always a crowd-pleaser.

There are those dorks again.

That's Blaine and me!

Brent and Doug boogie-boarding.

I love palm trees... must be from all the time spent in Arizona as a kid.
We took a day trip to the Capistrano Pier. It takes a lot for this group to get actual clothes on between the hours of 10:00 am and 6:00 pm, but it was worth it. Great people watching and great fish and chips.
Views from the pier.
Check out all the surfers.

More waving for the camera.
I love my family! Lara, Mike, Devyn and Brindley came for an afternoon to visit.

This was the view from the end of our deck. I loved how the water came up so close to the house. *Sigh* There's nothing better than sleeping to the sound of the ocean.
Beach shot.
Pretty sunsets...

Cool driftwood...

Silly baby...

Check out those teefs.

Dancin' Doug.
Sunny Sean.
The whole crew (minus Dennis--taking the picture).
Markelle, Jack and Brent.
Blaine, Jake and Alicia.
More... (we are pretty vain).
Steve and Chris.
Still lovebirds thirty plus years later...
I love these dudes.
Doug and Jen.
Their wedding is in August! Can't wait!
Brent and Markelle.
The Brothers:
Blaine, Doug, Sean and Brent.
They are very serious.

The whole clan again.
We had so much fun... it's weird to realize that the vacation you've been planning for a year is over. Oh well--next year, right?

Up next on the blog: Disneyland!


  1. Looks like you guys had a great time. AND, you are not a dork. You are adorable!

  2. You have no idea how jealous I was looking at all those pictures! I seriously could of shed a tear or two if I thought too hard about it. You guys look like you had SO.MUCH.FUN!!!!!

    All the pictures are GREAT!! Jake is as cute as ever!!! And you guys definitely know how to have a good time!!

    I can't wait to see Disneyland!

    ps. I need the "baby whisperer" to come on over to my house from time to time and help me get Crew down. :-)

  3. So, can I be Sean's "Fake Fiance" next summer?

  4. I have been checking your blog every day for over a WEEK for this post! And I definitely love every single picture here. Hooray! I don't know if you realize how happy your little Jakey makes me. Just looking at his pictures makes me smile over and over again. :) I didn't realize you got to meet up with Mike and Lara, either. How fun! I honestly haven't seen them for years. Love you and can't wait for Friday!

  5. Holy freaking cow! Jake is darling. I actually had to use the word darling to describe him. He is too blond to be your baby he seems like he should be MY baby. ;)

    I'm jealous of this vacation you take every year!

  6. What a fun fun fun trip! We're headed out there in a few weeks - this makes me excited to go!

  7. Love these pictures. Everyone looked so happy. Jake is so handsome. Love your yellow top - Hot!

    Wish you would have been closer so we could have seen you, but I bet I will be back to Utah before you know it :)

  8. Awesome pix. I've got to get my fam to do a trip like this. Looks like a blast!

  9. Awesome vacation and awesome Carter fun! Don't ever apologize for taking so many pictures. I expect to see one on a Christmas card, okay?

  10. oh yeah!! I love the amount of pictures..it's YOUR blog--never apologize! i counted and I have 71 on my last post. Sweet. You are so cute Alicia and have the happiest smile! I love pictures of you! Lil man Jake, too! Oh, and that Blaine guys, I like him too! xo

  11. Loved your pictures, reminds me of vacations we used to take at Capistrano Beach. Did ou guys rent the beach house? Very cool vacation. Looks like the Carters know how to have fun. And your baby is DARLING.

  12. I can't wait until I'm there at the end of this month. This just got me really excited.

  13. wow, you weren't kidding about the pictures! haha jake=cute, cute, cute!

    AND you beat me to the beach pictures sooooo... oh well there will just have to even more pictures of the Carter family beach house partay on the internet!

  14. This has to be the BEST trip ever! What a fun thing to look forward to every year! So awesome.

  15. Yes, lots of pix -but they're great! I was gonna say the one of Jake waving on Blaine's shou;ders was my favorite, but the "silly baby" shots are fab, too! Stnkin' cute lil' guy.
    abd YOU, my dear, look amazing.
