Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Tonight I feel like Supermom. In the last two days I have: washed and folded six loads of laundry, unpacked all three of us from our fabulous vacation, dropped off the dry cleaning, gone grocery shopping (both Costco and Harmons), mowed and weed-eated the lawn, repaired sad blown-over wisteria, weeded the garden, pulled up sad, dead bush, re-potted dead flowers, cleaned one shower, two toilets (two outta three ain't bad!) and two sinks, walked my two-miles with Jake, made one birthday cake, kept on top of dishes, AND blogged. YES!! I rock. Because, like my friend Tammy says, sometimes you feel like doing all this requires a cheer leading squad, (even if I am said cheer leader). HA!


I took these pictures of my climbing roses before the heat killed them. They'll come back in the fall... they always do. Today I had to keep reminding myself they weren't gone for good as I was hacking them back to make room for the grape vines.


  1. You ARE a Supermom! That's why. I was cheering for myself on Tuesday when I only mowed and weed-eated. You rock!

    And your roses are so PRETTY.

  2. Rock on! That's more than I usually get done in a week!!

  3. Oh yeah... and I finished up the season of 90210. Man, that's really bad TV. Yet, I keep watching and laughing.

  4. are She-Ra! Way to go, I would want to write all that down too. I am here in UT now so when do you want to play? I am here until the 25th.

    And agreed about the 90210 but I can't stop.

  5. really? in one day?? goo! I don't feel as cool as I did ten seconds ago about mowing my front and back lawns. (and weeding) thanks alot!

    don't let Brent know that all that is humanly possible. I have him fooled into thinking that doing laundry is a full day job!

    good work dude!

  6. You're AMAZING!! I'll be your cheerleader . . . I was just happy I was motivated enough to clean the house today even after Isaac woke me up at 5:30! What!?!

  7. okay, I'm an idiot. I just reread your post and you clearly stated it took two days.

  8. Did you have a CHOREgasm? (Sorry. Yup. I went there.) That's what my shy little cousin called it and I can't get over how perfect that word is for the feeling I get when I accomplish long overdue projects that have been nagging my to do list...or accomplishing 100 different things in a short amount of time. I'm impressed. Completely impressed. You go girl. Can't wait to see pictures from your vacation!

  9. CHOREgasm?!!!!

    That is freaking AWESOME!

  10. What an accomplishment! I love it when I get to cross things off from a long list. Sometimes when I end up doing things that weren't on my original list, I put them on after the fact and then cross them off. It just makes you feel fantastic.

  11. NICE WORK!!!

    That definitely is the worst part about coming home from vacation - the aftermath!

    (Your flowers are gorgeous - you'll have to help me plant some sometime!)

  12. nice work sis! I am so proud and impressed. Yesterday coming home from camping was the worst! Cleaning up and laundry and bathing Frank and Bronx! HOLY cow that was a nightmare...I'm exhausted and need a nap. I want to see your vaca pics--can't wait!

  13. Seriously!!?? Great job. Looks like you have a great cheer leading squad.
