Thursday, November 12, 2009


I've been laughing about this all week...

At church on Sunday, I was carrying Jake through the halls to get to meetings, and a lady in my ward (whom I really like) commented on how big Jake was getting.
I responded with, "I know--isn't he huge?!?!"
She then said, "Well, he takes after his mom and dad."

Um... What?

I'm going to assume that she thought I said, "Isn't he cute?!?!"
Yeah... that's what happened.
Right? ... Right? ...


  1. oh my gosh! ha ha

    do you still like her now?!

    what did you say to her?

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's hilarious! Jake's cuteness totally outweighs his hugeness so I'm sure she thought you said "cute". ;)

  3. That is awesome. And yes, that's TOTALLY what she meant... ;)

  4. I get that all the time, btw! Because Spencer's such a big baby, people are always making comments about how abnormally large he is. Then they follow it up with, "Well, I can see where he gets it from. The both of you are quite..." and then they realize their foot-in-mouth syndrome and babble something that resembles changing the subject. Ahhhh. So glad it happens to someone else. Sorry. haha.

  5. That is so funny! I love when people don't think before they talk. For sure she thought you said cute.

  6. Haha oh that is too funny. It was of course a mistake...but a very hilarious one.

  7. I actually think she meant height wise...cause Jake isn't huge {I mean he is huge compared to nine months ago}and YOU guys certainly aren't. however you jerks are nice and tall. lucky.

    is this 'beehive lady' or 'precious moments lady'?


    I second Markelle's comment.

    ps. I replied to your comment on my blog, and yes will be here for Christmas! I must see you guys!

  9. We MUST compare notes! I have had the SAME comment from probably the same "sweet spirit!"


    (And I'm pretty sure I know who "beehive lady" is, but "precious moments lady"???)


  10. That is too funny!

    my address is: 1074 W 70 N
    P.G. Ut.

  11. HAHAHAHAH! Of course she said cute. . .

  12. I'm with Markelle. She totally meant huge as in tall....I hate that and I used to get that as a kid and still as an adult...just cause you're short doesn't mean you're "petite" and just cause you're tall doesn't mean you're "huge!" Ya know?? miss you lots!

  13. LOVE THAT! And hello- we all know she was referring to your height. BUT STILL!
    *at least you weren't standing on a scale weighing yourself at the gym while an old ugly man in bike shorts and a short tee (that's right) standing behind (and over) you says (or screams. loudly. for the entire gym to hear and potentially ruin any social life you have there), "WOW! Is that thing right?!!!?"
    Because that would suck! it didn't happen to me or anything.

  14. That is so weird... however I know for sure she thought you said cute. There is no way that she said huge!!! Also, I love your last post. I know exactly what you are talking about. I have had that same thought a couple of times. We really have to remember to enjoy the moment before you look back and realize it is gone.
