Saturday, November 7, 2009

Great Moment

The other day I had a great moment...

I was getting my rings cleaned and inspected {so as not to default on my warranty again} and was admiring all the new couples looking at diamonds and bands whilst holding hands and smiling wistfully at each other.

For a moment, I was jealous of them.

I remembered how it felt to be that insanely in love- that manic- no one has ever loved anyone else the way we love each other-kind of love. I remembered how excited I was about getting married and being with Blaine forever...

I felt frumpy in my ponytail, maternity jeans, blouse and flats as I remembered how darling I felt being engaged. I was always just so sure everyone was checking out my new diamond engagement ring. {Don't deny it--you all did it too--admit it now--before you judge me.}

But then Jake started to laugh really hard at nothing at all. I looked at him and smiled and he laughed even harder. He's got a great little boy laugh.
{It will will melt your heart, I promise.}

And, then while I was playing with my adorable and perfect son, and waiting for the sales associate to come back, I realized that those couples were looking at me. I don't know if they thought Jake was as cute as I do, or if they were maybe thinking that we were being a little loud, and I don't really care.

It was a great moment... because right then, I realized that my life is better than I ever could have imagined it would be when I was looking at pretty, shiny rings with my fiance over four years ago. I'm still insanely, crazy-in-love with Blaine and I still am a huge elitist in thinking that no one -NO ONE- has ever loved each other the way we do.

And what's better is that we are now crazy-in-love with this little person, Jake too.
And I can't wait to meet out littlest jelly-bean in May.

Isn't it nuts the way our hearts just grow bigger and bigger?

I am not posting this to make myself and my life sound super, super awesome... it was just so refreshing to evaluate who I am and what I have, and feel really, really happy and content with what I saw. That's all.


  1. I can just hear his little laugh in that jewelry store like I'm RIGHT there with you. Those truly are the "great moments", aren't they? I love that you shared this!

  2. You're such a good writer, Alicia. It's a beautiful thought, too- that our hearts open up more and more to love the people closest to us. So happy to hear that you're still crazy in love :)

  3. I love it. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Its so sweet and makes me so happy for you. I too love the moments with my husband and can't wait to expand our family and fall crazy-n-love with a baby too!

  5. That was pretty awesome. I wish I could write the way you do! Thanks for the fabulous dinner tonight too!

  6. I bet those couples were looking at you and thinking, "I hope we're that happy when we have a cute little guy like that lady!"

  7. Love it! Love you. Love that we're going to have babies together (wait...that sounded really wrong...).

  8. That is a happy moment. I don't think it is a "look and me, I am so the best" either. Just nice reflection, something we all should do.

  9. I admire your joy and your gratitude. Happiness needs to be recognized before it can be shared. What a wonderful, well written moment.

  10. I'm totally tearing up. I love you.

  11. I agree with your madre completely...this will be your favorite post in years to come!

  12. Congrats! That is so exciting that you are expecting!

  13. You always amaze me. As I read your post, I cried. I am so proud of you! You are such an example to me and to everyone around you. I, too, had a "moment" tonight as Devyn and I played our violin duet for enrichment night. I felt like the Grinch in the end of that zany movie, where his heart grows so big it explodes...I stood in front of all of those women with my knees shaking and looked over at my 5'10" beautiful daughter who wasn't shaking at all...confident as can be, playing beautifully, and thanked Heavenly Father for such a moment to be a mom. Live in the moment...times like these are what life is all about. I love you, kid!!!
