Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Mexican Christmas (conclusion)...

Christmas with the Carters was spectacular. It was fun and simple and perfectly relaxed.

Christmas Eve dinner table.
Chris goes all out Christmas Eve... a traditional Italian Christmas Eve feast complete with crab, spaghetti with clam sauce, stuffed artichokes, Italian bread, mashed potatoes, and cannolis. Everything is authentic--down to the cannoli tubes that have been passed down from Chris's grandmother. Seriously.

The Christmas tree.
This really doesn't do it justice. I haven't seen this many presents under a tree since I was a kid and all the Kemptons came to our house in W.J. for Christmas.
I miss those days.

Jakey on his new rocking horse Christmas morning.

Sweet lion boy.

Handsome Blaine.

Jake getting a legit haircut. My mom and I gave him a little trim at Thanksgiving, but he needed his professional Aunt Jen to really do a good job.

Okay... I think these pictures are hilarious. We could not get the boys to sit still for a picture in their matching shirts. (How Markelle and I always manage to buy the same things for the boys unknowingly, I'll never know.)


And again. :)


  1. Ahh so much fun! I totally should have opted out of the Pennington family Christmas Eve dinner and came to the Carter family dinner. I was salivating just reading the food menu.

    And seriously, I have never laughed so hard or so loud looking at pictures before...but those last three of Jake and Jack were killing me, that I had to go find Grant so I could show him! We were dying! Best pictures ever! I LOVE how Markelle is holding Jacks head back to stay put.

    Happy New Year!

  2. That last picture is almost as awesome as the Santa ones.

    Thanks for putting up with us today; we had fun!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Looks like you had a blast. We were so sad that we weren't able to make it to St George. Annie looks absolutely gorgeous of course. It would have been fun to hang out with all of you. PS, I am so excited that you are having a girl!!!

  5. hehe we have cute kids...btw I forgot to give Sarah her Christmas gift!

  6. WHAT! Jake is so big! Has it really been this long since I have seen those great chubby cheeks that are thinning out into a little boy. Where does time fly? He is such a doll Lee.
