Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The happs

Blaine is pretend-mad at me because I watched the last of "The Soup's" top forty clips of 2009 without him. (Chicken Tettrazzini!)

He took the day off to watch Jake while I 've been trying to keep chicken soup, saltines, and water down without repeating the puke-fest that was last night.

The Flu blows. We all hate it. Jake was feeling it yesterday. Blaine was feeling it last week. And we are all really hoping that we won't be seeing the Flu for quite some time.

Anyway, I'm also really hoping we can catch "The Soup" again together so Blaine won't pretend-hate me anymore. Guess that means several more hours of hanging out in the basement on our best friend, Optimus Prime. (That's our couch. We love him.)


  1. tell Blaine to quit pouting. At least he gets to watch Soup. Some of us only dream...

  2. I agree....not having T.V. is lame....

  3. Get to bed, get some rest, and get better. I love you, sweetie.

  4. Sorry to hear you have been sick. We have also had the nasty flu at our house and I hope it does not come back for a long time if never for us.. ( But I know we will see it again next yeatr) Crap! :(

  5. Oh man. I'm so bummed you ended up getting it. We spoke too soon, huh? We should have knocked on wood when we went out to dinner. That's not giving me much hope though cuz if you got it so far after Blaine had it then that's not so good. I could still get it. We're driving home today. I've said about a hundred prayers I won't get it. And did Blaine tell you we stopped by the other night? I knew you were sick so I didn't want to bug you. Brian just had to run in for something. Sad we couldn't say hi, but more sad you were sick! Hope you feel better!

  6. so sorry bout the damn flu. Yes, it blows! How nice of Blaine to take the day off and let you sleep and gag down some crackers. I hope the Jake man is feeling better...it makes me sad when kids are sick. Thanks for your voicemail aobut he beanLee. i have had the the hat forever, and was sick and tired of not knowing Jake had it. Hooray for the US Postal service :)love you lots and need to see you soon!!!!

  7. boo on being sick! i'm so glad i've avoided it so far (knock on wood). feel better sooooon!

  8. Chicken Tettrazini. Sometimes I just say it at random. Brian would be mad too. Oh wait, I would be madder (shut up English teacher I know it is more mad). Hope he gets over it soon so you could celebrate your anniversary.

  9. Chicken Tetrazzini...picture that with the head roll and everything. I love the soup that is the best best show! We should watch it together!
