Sunday, March 21, 2010


So, Saturday afternoon Blaine went shooting with Scott, Brett, and Jesse... leaving a napping Jake and me at home. Well, when the little man woke up an hour early and started throwing fits, I decided to get out of the house and head south to meet up with the guys.
I'm so glad we did. Jake was in heaven and the afternoon was pretty perfect... Jake loved running wild and collecting shotgun shells and stashing them in his pockets. He didn't even mind the earplugs we shoved in his ears.
No more fits.
Until JCW's later on. I love these 18 month tantrums.


  1. Oh my gosh. He is so darling! I love the earplugs too. haha. He is totally an outdoors man. Love the pictures with the new lens. Were these taken with it?

  2. Oh, my gosh. I love your kid! I love that those boys have a table for the supplies, and that Scott drew pictures of everyone to shoot up. It looks like so much fun!

    And I am loving your pictures you're taking, too!

  3. Oh, yes- we LOVE shooting outtings. Glad your darling man Jake got in on the boy's trip. And I love your mountain/lake reflection shots. I would blow 'em up for my wall.

  4. Jake is adorable walking around with his treasures in his little hands. I agree with the mountain/lake photo being awesome and I love that you joined up with the crew when Jake woke early from his nap. Seize the day.

  5. looks like both Jake AND daddy were in heaven...

  6. I LOVE the pictures! I am wayyy jealous of the new lens. Yay for you. :)

  7. 18 months old tantrums are causing me wrinkles and grey hair. Ha. He looks so sweet and innocent in all his pictures I could never imagine him actually throwing a fit!

    He looks like he is in heaven with all the boys!

  8. ok, so today I'm feeling better--come pick me up I'm ready to go shooting...oh wait, it's over? DAMNIT! I love your photos and I say POST EVERY DAMN ONE!!!!! I love my little buddy jacob! And Lurel, yes Scott takes that table everywhere especially shooting and sets up all his supplies. My parents gave us a big 'church' table for Christmas one year and Scott was like "what the crap? When wouild we ever use that?" uh huh....I have never seen it since...LOL
