Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What the Lost?!?!?!

I'm dyin'.
Really and truly.
How is this all going to end?!?!
I heart you, J.J. Abrams.


  1. My friend Rachel was telling me about this yesterday! (leaving out vital details for my protection, obviously) She was joking that the writers had just been visited by missionaries. :) HAHA!!! Sounds amazing!

  2. Oh my crap I love this show too! The last episode was freakin' amazing and I can't wait to see how it all ends! It's been built up so much, I just hope it doesn't disappoint :)

  3. SOOO good. Once I start to think I have it figured out, they throw something in and I'm back to square one. Best show ever...

  4. I love your posts about Lost. The last episode was the first one that didn't have me screaming with frustration. finally some answers!

    By the way, I almost dropped in on you for a visit on Tuesday. I was flying home from Seattle with Claire (BY MYSELF!) bound for Denver then Austin, but got re-routed to SLC. I almost got stranded there overnight but they let me fly to San Antonio where Kendee graciously picked us up in the middle of the night.

    It would have been fun to say Hi, though it would have been very inconvenient for all parties :-)

  5. I have yet to "get my Lost on" but I'm sure that if I ever start I won't be happy till I've finished. Maybe that's why I haven't started yet.
