Friday, May 7, 2010

Baby Update:

So, I just got back from the doctor today.
He says I'm more than ready to have this little girl. The induction is set for Tuesday, the 11th-- that is, if I don't go into labor on my own by then.
Hip, hip, hooray!
We can't wait to meet her.


  1. So exciting! I can't wait for you. Hey, I still need you to email me your address so I can send you the sling.

  2. That is way exciting! Good luck with everything.. Where will you be delivering?

  3. What?! Where did that 9 months go? You hate me for saying that, but I had no idea Sarah was due this month. Can't wait to see her.

  4. Yay! Can't wait to meet little Baby Sarah! You go girl!

  5. Hooray! Hope everything goes smoothly, whenever she decides to get here. I'll be thinking about you! :D

  6. Good luck. I can't wait to meet her too. Yay!!

  7. yahoo. I'm ready at a moment's notice!!! And I mean ANY moment! I wll be PISSED if you need me at 1 am and don't call.....:)

  8. I am so excited for you. You are going to have a sweet little wrinkly baby soon!

  9. Good luck! It's so much fun meeting your baby for the first time! A side note: My friend is being induced tomorrow also.
