Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Welcome, BABY!!!

Sarah Carter

11 May 2010
2:52 pm

9 lbs. 0 oz.
21 inches long

(Not to worry, there will be plenty more pictures to come! Just a little preview of this sweet, sweet little girl courtesy of Laurel. Alicia and Sarah had a fantastic delivery and {aside from minor exhaustion} are both doing perfectly. How much do you love that little cleft chin and chubby chubby extra chin and cheeks?!! I could eat her already!)


  1. I am SO happy for you! What a great Mother's day present. You look gorgeous in that gown, woman :)

  2. Oh, hurray! Wow- well done. She is adorable...all 9 pounds of her!

  3. Yeah!! I am so glad to know she's here and you are both doing well! Can't wait to meet that her! She certainly is a cutie!

  4. I forgot how much I love that newborn cry. How can a cry be adorable?!! Well, little Sarah is PERFECT and I can't wait to see more of her. Congratulations to you all and I'm so happy she's here. We love you!

  5. YIPPIE!

    Welcome to the 9lb baby club! Chubby babies are the best! And goodness, she is so ADORABLE!!!

    You look fantastic! Hope you guys are all doing well! Congrats you guys!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We are so happy for you!!! She is just beautiful, and WOW!!! Nine pounds!!! (You'd think she was a Samoan or something!)

    :) Love ya!

  7. Wow congrats!! She is so cute. Glad that everything went well for you!

  8. We love her already. SOOOOO CUTE! Can't wait to see her again!

    Nice work :)

  9. Congratulations Alicia! She is beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys!

  10. YAY!!! Congrats to your cute little fam!!

  11. Yay. She's so beautiful. I'm so happy for you guys. And you KNOW I love chubby babies. Spencer was 9'2" and didn't stop growing. haha. what a darling little girl. Congrats and can't wait to see more pictures.

  12. She is beautiful! Congrats! I am glad you are both doing well. Can't wait to meet her!

  13. Congrats Alicia, she's beautiful. Love the name!

  14. What a sweet girl! I love that chin! Congratulations! I'm glad everything went well.

  15. Congrats Alicia!! She is beautiful!! You will LOVE having a girl!! Can't wait to see more pics!!

  16. Congratulations Alicia! Aren't newborn babies the best? They have the best smell and are so wonderful to hold. She's beautiful and I love her name.

  17. Congrats Alicia! She is SO cute and I love her name!

  18. YEAH!! Congratulations! Can't wait to meet her!

  19. Yay!!! Congratulations! What a good size baby and so beautiful, too. Get some rest, then post more photos!

  20. YAY!!! Congratulations! She is beautiful and so are you. So so so happy for you. I hope I get to hold her this summer!

  21. I'm so happy I got to hold her, I just love her! but I'm not gonna lie, I want more soooo I'm sure I'll be by soon to visit:)

  22. YAY! YAY! YAY! She is absolutely perfect, you guys! I can't believe you get to take her home today... I'm already excited for our play dates this summer :)

  23. Awww...congratulations guys!

  24. Congratulations my friend. Get as much sleep and rest as you can. She is beautiful. Wow, 9 lb-ers are no problem for you? Impressive.

  25. Congrats! she is darling and has such a cute little chin and mouth. Can't wait to meet her.

    ...and good job there Mama of a 9 lb. 'er!

  26. Congratulations Alicia! She's beautiful!

  27. Congratulations!!!! What a little cutie she is.

  28. i love her and i win! She likes me best already!!!

  29. Congrats to your family. She is beautiful. Looking at her gets me so so excited about having our own baby girl. How are you doing, is 2 pretty crazy to manage? Let me know I am following in your footsteps. I am so excited for you guys!! Way to go momma.
