Friday, July 16, 2010

Elder Matty J.

Well, it's high time that I documented this cry-fest. My baby brother, Matt, went into the MTC last month and while I couldn't be more proud of his decision to serve the Lord, I am devastated that I won't see him, talk to him, or text with him for two freaking years.

Matt is a special guy... it's not that my other two brothers aren't just as special (they are!), it's just that well... I don't know why... he's just special.

Maybe it's because he's the baby. We all thought of him as "our baby" and even joke that he was (and still is) our family mascot. He was the happiest little kid--always smiling and making you feel good just to be around him. As he got older, he's carried this talent with him into adulthood. He's open-minded, compassionate, loving, and hilarious. I love that he isn't afraid to show he's sensitive... especially with his family, and I love that he is so normal too. He's grounded and solid. He has an amazing sense of who he is. He's so funny--he has the quickest wit of anyone in our family and can tell a dirty joke with the best of them. Most of all, I love that he has such a desire to be a good missionary... to serve the Lord with all his heart. There's no doubt in my mind that he is where he should be.

We all met up at Magleby's Fresh for an early lunch before Matt had to be dropped off at the MTC.

Aunt May-May playing with Jake.

Kaiya girl.

There's something so special about a Grandpa holding his grand-baby.
I love my dad. He rocks.

I love this picture. I'm sure my mom said something funny (maybe unintentionally) and I love Michelle's laugh.

Megan, Scotty and Matt.

I love this image. All three of my brothers served (or are serving) missions.
Scott, Matt and Brett... the boys.

Here are the original men in my life... funny that my dad is the shorty.

The girls with Matty.
Michelle, Laurel, Matt, Megan, and me.

My parents have done an amazing job raising this dude.

The "little" boys.

The whole clan (sans Blaine, Jason, and Brad).

All the Lee kiddos.

Saying goodbye.

Matt is such a good uncle. Little Jake absolutely adores Matt.

Okay, just looking at these again is making me tear up. Boo.

Matt saying goodbye to baby Sarah. I can't believe she will be two years old when he gets back. This sucks. I take it all back... missions are over-rated, Matt. Come home! :)


  1. I haven't read any blogs since Duke was born and I just read a few of yours... I'm telling you we were destined to be best friends...if only we lived in the same state! Loved the Juno quote in the Dad's day post. And seriously Bye Bye Birdie is my childhood classic. Know it word for word. And P.S. Cort totally sang along to every word of Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me" and Lisa Loeb's "stay" (in a row, no less) with me in the car yesterday. Good blackmail material.

  2. Just kill me now. So proud, so sad, so right. You are simply wonderful. I love you!

  3. I love your sister's laugh too because she looks just like you. You are so pretty.

  4. :(

    (And I LOVE that picture of you hugging Matty... so sweet)
