Sunday, July 18, 2010

I did it

I finally got these Sarah announcements done.
I actually had them done before we left for our trip but when I went to pick them up, they looked crappy. Apparently, the resolution was too low. Rather than try to cram something else in before we left the state for ten days, I figured I'd get to it as soon as we got back. But when we got back and I looked at them again, I realized that my half-giant girl looked completely different from the picture I originally chose.
So I took more pictures and redid the whole thing with 300 resolution instead of 172.
I'm already rethinking the outfit and my mom said the new font is a little hard to read (she's right!) Oh well.
Here are both of them, anyway.


  1. Amazing how quickly they grow (especially when they start out over 9lbs!) Both are so, so sweet! Can we meet her next week? -I'll call ya.

  2. I love both announcements. Don't stress, the second one is beautiful too.

  3. They are both cute. I love that second picture, her expression is so cute. She looks so exotic.

  4. Who is Joven?

    I love them both, but that last one cracks me up! Her chubby little face with the look of "what? I didn't do it? btw when do I eat again?" oh man that makes me laugh! I like her simple headband...just teh band of lace. I like being able to see her adorable chubby face.
    p.s. beth brown is a bitch...I almost pissed my pants!

  5. Both are darling.

    I love her yellow headband. Can Sloan have it? :)

  6. yeah! good job. I looooove the font on the second

  7. They do both look cute! It is crazy how fast they grow and change.

  8. They couldn't turn out badly with such a cute subject! I also love the new family photo. You look beautiful in it.
    I didn't think twice about you and church, your comment made me laugh. Mark said to tell you guys that we were a bit worried and had word of you and Blaine out on the shooting range instead of Sunday school. :)
    Thanks for the jumper! You're so thoughtful!

  9. I don't think it's hard to read. They're both so adorable. Nice work!

    Sorry I haven't gotten you beach pictures yet....I am a bad sister-in-law. I have to wait for Doug to help me.

  10. so.... which one are you mailing?

  11. p.s. That second font is fine because it's only here name. If it were the whole thing it might bother me, but I like it the way it is.

  12. "her" name. I swear I know how to speak English.

  13. both are so cute! It really is amazing how fast they change. I am so sad I didn't get to hold her when I was up there. She is so sweet and those big brown eyes are killer! Well done (on both the baby making and the card creating).

    And darn you for switching to word verification. Stupid spammers ruin everything.
