Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Blessing dress photo shoot

To top off Jes's undeniable talent even further, she is also a talented photographer. My intention in going to her house the other day (other than to hang out, drink cokes, and let Jake, Walter, and Isabel jump on the trampoline together), was to use some of her photography equipment and take pictures of Sarah in her blessing gown. Well, not only did Jes take these pictures, but she also sent me home with a disc and some awesome Photoshop tips. (Thank you!) I love this girl.

Anyway, here are some favorites. I just love these pictures so much.
{Is it me, or do I have the sweetest, cutest baby girl ever?}

Jake wouldn't cooperate with the camera, but I like this one anyway.

Laurel and Isabel were helping to test the lighting. I like how Isa is looking at her mommy. So cute. {And how cool is my sister's hair?}

Isabel has turned into such a poser. I love her.


  1. I've always wondered where you can find adorable blessing dresses like this. Like everything else it must all depend on who you know :) Love the dress, and Sarah's adorable too!

  2. I love the photo shoot! I'm glad you didn't let me talk you into anything else because Sarah's dress was heirloom-perfect.

  3. I want to hug and squeeze her! This outfit is so cute! I love all the details. You have a beautiful baby girl!

  4. Are you freaking joking me?! That dress is amazing!!! And so is the little doll in it!

  5. Oh, and funny side note - I just noticed her stats on the side of your blog. Sarah and Sadie are the SAME size! I also noticed your house is for sale. Where are you planning on moving??

  6. Sarah really did look perfect! love the photos.

  7. I just love her. Everything about her (and her dress, OBVIOUSLY) is honestly perfect!

    Oh, and uh, I might need like 50 copies of that last picture of Isabel. I love her, too.

  8. sweet, little Sarah! I don't even know this Jes an I think she is incredible an ddoes some kick A work! How fun!

  9. her dress is so beautiful! where did you get it? and yes! she is so adorable!

  10. That dress really is amazing. And yes, Laurel's hair is too. How fun to have a friend like that. Love the pictures.

  11. These pictures are amazing! Sarah is so so pretty! I love the one of her feet... those little slippers were perfect.

    p.s. Laurel's hair is ugly.

  12. The little bloomers are still my favorite part. She's fantastic.

  13. OH MY!!! Everything about her is TO DIE FOR!

    I love her.

  14. Where did you buy this christening dress? Can you please message me at kathrynmarykish@gmail.com
