Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sarah's blessing day

Well, it's more than two weeks later... two sisters have posted Sarah's blessing day on their blogs, but I'm just n ow getting around to it. Also, I didn't take a single picture... these were all taken by Jen, Megan, and Laurel. Oh well... that's what sisters are for, right?

It was a great day. Blaine gave a beautiful blessing and we are so grateful that we had so much family there to share the day with. We all gathered at our place afterward and enjoyed dinner and treats together. Thanks again, Carters, Lees, and Kemptons... we love family!

As for this killer dress... my good friend *the amazingly talented* Jes made it. Seriously, this girl's got skills. She made my wedding dress, which I still sometimes wear around the house to do some light cleaning... she also made my sister, Michelle's wedding dress, as well as both my nieces' blessing gowns. Jes rocks. She totally gets my style and I love it. At one point while she was working on it, she called me to ask about adding some extra detail to the bloomers... I told her she could do whatever she wanted. I completely trust her.
Well, see for yourselves.

Being girls and tying bows.

The fab four.

With my parents (Dave and DeAnn).

With Blaine's parents (Steve and Chris).

Just us girls.

My brother, Scott loves my kids. And they LOVE him. Scott even helped me give them a bath that morning and got Jake all ready for church...

While Megan, mom, Chris and I got the little girl ready for her debut. :)

Blowing bubbles.

Are you kidding me? Just look at this! I am in love with this dress.


  1. I am in love with the dress too! It is sooooooo cute!!! I love the bonnet too.

  2. these pictures never get old! Loved the dress, the food, the company, the babies, the blessing, the whole kit and caboodle! xo

  3. So beautiful. That fab four photo -- what a happy, gorgeous family!

  4. Blessing day is a good day.

    Sarah looks perfect...and so do you I might add. Can I have your dress? Oh and I can't forget about Jake, he looks like a little stud in his suite!

  5. That dress is so amazing! She is so cute and you all look great!
