Monday, August 30, 2010

Jake's Par-tay

Jake's party was a success.
We were able to have Steve, Chris (Nona and Poppy), Sean AND Amy here in town from New Mexico, so we made the most of it and partied all Saturday with Mint Juleps. (Anything to get Sean here haha.)

Okay, I need to brag a little. I've been wanting a birthday banner for a while now to use for all our birthdays. Well, I got ambitious last week and sewed one up, but here's the genius of it... I used boyish fabrics for one side and girly fabrics for the opposite side. I feel so smart. S-M-R-T. I used good 'ol printable iron-ons for the lettering. I think it turned out pretty cute.

Birthday balloons on the ceiling.

Birthday cupcakes.

Birthday Mint Juleps.

Cute Bretty and Megs in the background.

Doug and Jen laughing at something upstairs.
Amy and Markelle.

I love the chaos of these get-togethers. It's awesome how everyone jumps in to make the little marshmallows play nice and be happy.

Opening presents...

Mack truck from Mom and Dad.

Boring clothes from Mom and Dad.

Thanks for the tool/drill set, Nona and Poppy!

Thanks for the Mr. Potato Head, Jack! (Okay, and Markelle and Brent.)

Thank you, Amy for the boat... bath time will be rockin'.

Thank you for the Cars carrier, Kaiya (Michelle and Brad.)

Scotty and May May--Jakey loves his little car toy.

Actually, EVERYONE loved this toy.

And, Brett gave this awesome "That's What She Said" t-shirt. Who knew Walgreen's carried this kind of stuff?? Love it. Thanks, Brett.

Jake, anxious to keep opening. This kid made out like a bandit.

The kiddos playing with the race-track from Mom and Dad.

And the big winner: a bike from Nona and Poppy! (Thank you!)

(Disclaimer: I should point out for my mom that her present is in the mail and will arrive in time for his actual birthday and the original party date.)
(Disclaimer #2: I entrusted Jen to take pictures of Jake while opening presents and she didn't take a picture of the one from Doug and her... Jake loves his Toy Story magnet book.)

Kaiya helping to put the bike together.

Jake loves to help his daddy.

Nona got this little cake for Jake. He loved it.
He's really been into birthdays lately. Singing "Happy birthday to you" all the time and talking about blowing out candles. Funny kid.

Carefully destroying his cake.

Riding his big-boy-bike tandem style with Kaiya...
This is a little too reminiscent of Michelle and me riding the Vino scooter together around Orem. Good times.

I love these buddies.

Big birthday boy.

And Kaiya wanted to be a part of all of it. She was good to show Jake how it's done.

Funny girl.

Kaiya loves the camera. I wish my own kid would pose like she does.

I seriously love these two... they are only about three months apart. People often ask Michelle and me if they are twins and we love it. They are great little buddies.

Kaiya girl.

Chris laughed out loud when Kaiya sat down next to her and said, "Pretty nails!" She hasn't had many little girls around to notice her pretty nails. Get ready for "Girldom", Nona.
In the meantime, Jake was ramming his bike into her feet, yelling, "CRASH!"... Now, that she's used to.

Pretty girls.
Michelle's due in October with her baby boy. I can't wait!

These pictures are from today. I was trying to take a picture of Jake's new shirt from Brett, so I could email it to Matt (on a mission in Montana).

"I'm TWO!"

With two of his favorite presents: Mack and froggy boots.

Happy birthday, Jake.


  1. What a perfect 2nd Birthday for Jake!

    I love the banner! LOVE IT!
    I love the party decor!
    I love "That's what she said" shirt...from Walgreen's none the less.
    And I love the comment about Chris's pretty nails. She is going to love girldom!

    Happy Birthday Jake!

  2. Awww... what a great party!

    I love the mayhem too - reminds me of the madness over here as well!

    And you're more than S-M-R-T about that banner - BRILLIANT!!!!!!

  3. alicia,

    i love the pictures! what a fun party for jake! i miss you guys!

  4. Happy. Happy. Happy. Jake's birthday bash looks like it was A+ perfect! I also have to comment that you look fantastic.

  5. Love the post! Happy Birthday to Jake man! It is so much fun to see how your cute kids are growing up...I love feeling a part of ir through your blog. We love you all!!!!! And, I agree with your look amazingly beautiful! (you always have :) )
    See you soon!
    Larabelle :)

  6. very cute banner. I guess we will have to wait for Sarah's birthday to see the girly side. Looks like a fun party. You are pretty.

  7. Thanks for including us. Jake is pretty much awesome. I feel like you should submit the first picture of him in the "That's What She Said" shirt to some sort of contest. Happy Birthday Jake!

  8. we had fun celebrating Jake's partay! He's a cutie. Sorry about my kid up Jake's business the entire time...

  9. So cute. I love the banner S-M-R-T! I envy your camera. I wish I had your style... and "That's what she said" just about put me over the edge in laughter. Want to move to Texas?

  10. That is one well documented birthday. I love all the decorations, the banner is brilliant, the cupcakes so cute, and the birthday boy adorable.

    That's what she said.

  11. That banner really does rock. You are just about the cutest Mama ever with the cutest kiddos.

  12. Isabel just asked me where the pictures of HER are... Sad. I'm so sad we couldn't bet here! But you know how much I love your boy. :) The party looks like it was incredible and Jake had a blast. I'm in LOVE with all the pictures of him on his new bike. Love Jakey and love YOU!!!

  13. This party was seriously awesome! (What's with my kid's hair, though?) Jake is one cute, lucky boy. He is looking and acting SO OLD!! Crazy!

  14. HaHa now I'm stalking you! Love the banner! You're very talented!!!!!

  15. Happy Birthday Jake! So cute. I totally tried to buy Walter those awesome frog boots and he screamed bloody murder when I put them on. HA. Maybe when he sees his buddy Jake in them, he'll want some.

  16. wow! you go girl. I am SERIOUSLY impressed. I can't even comment enough on everything. Love it all. I'm only sad we weren't there to join in on all the fun. What a grand time!
