Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My date with Brett and J.M.

I don't care what anyone says...I love John Mayer.
I have for years, and I will for years to come.
I admit, there was a short time (The Jessica Simpson Days) where I questioned my loyalty to J.M., but then I remembered when I dated the guy-who-kissed-his-sister and I decided to forgive him.

So, when my brother, Brett asked me if I wanted to buy his buddy's ticket last minute, I jumped at the chance.
If you have never seen John live, then you are missing out (fan or not).
He's that good. Really.

Plus, he's hilarious.
He always spends a good amount of time talking to the audience and I love it.
This time around, he spent some time discussing time travel (a la "flux capacitor"), and his personal style vs. "dressing for two". He even equipped us all with a new phrase that will send our enemies reeling: "I want names." I can't wait to try it out.

He also performed. :)
Mostly stuff from Battle Studies and Continuum--which was frickin' rad. I love John's bluesy side best.
But he also blessed us with a little "Why Georgia Why", as well as a couple cool covers... Otis Redding's "(Sitting on) The Dock of the Bay", and Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'". Amazing.

I loved every second of it and I especially loved basking in J.M. greatness with my buddy, Brett. He's good people and an awesome people-watching partner. We were hating on all kinds of drunk-dancers together.

All in all it was a perfectly dreamy end-of-summer night.
Thank you, John Mayer.
Thank you, Blaine for taking the kids solo... and dealing with a very sad Sarah girl.
I love you for it.


  1. Why would you say " I don't care what anyone says, I love John Mayer." He's a huge star! So many people love him. Including me. He does have a strange way of almost eating the microphone when he's singing...but I still love him. This is one I'm really sad I missed!

  2. Jen, I am so happy you share the love... Blaine hates him. :)

  3. I think its pretty adorable that you and your brother went together. I seriously hope my children are as close as the Lees...

    I have to admit, I've never understood the whole John Mayer craze. BUT I've definitely given him more of a shot only because you like him, and you've never steered me wrong!

  4. So, I don't like John's music. I would never listen to an album of his ... that was until I saw him play his guitar. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. Now I tape anything and everything he is going to be on TV for. I watched his "Crossroads" episode with Keith Urban 3 times through. So hot! I'm so jealous you saw him in person.

  5. If he takes his ego down a notch, he will be considered one of the greatest guitar players of all time - a legend even! He is spectacular. This is the first year I've missed his tour since 2001 because no one else wanted to see him with me! Boo on that. They don't know what they're missing!

  6. okay two points to make:
    1. The posting below of the party of the year was awesome. Both the party and the pictures! (I look ridiculously fat and my gosh this dip in health has aged me years...I digress). That Jake is adorable and his presents were so much fun! I wanted to stay longer, but alas, I felt like Sh*T!--once again, I'm being negative nancy. The story of Kaiya and Nona makes me bust up laughing. I also love watching "my twins" play together.
    Point #2.
    If it wasn't for John Mayer Scott and I would not have fallen in love the first time.......NOR the second time. HEY WE WERE ON A BREAK! Mr. Mayer has changed my personal life almost as much as Barry Manilow...strange comparison, I know, however, I have a unique "style" of music favorites. I love his old stuff, like "comfortable" and his new stuff. He is amazing live--Scott and I saw him July 8, 2003 (during our second series) when he premiered "come back to bed!" We immediately made out which sealed our relationship because Scott "Baywatched" into Utah Lake 4 days later and saved my broken leg, and drowning a$$. Long comment, I know, but these things are important...I heart Alicia's posts!

  7. Some of the best years of my life were spent basking in John Mayerness... I'm jealous that you got to go. Hooray to Jesse for crapping out on Brett!

  8. Awww... FUN!!! (Though I think Brett needs to invest in a few new t-shirts. Seriously. I think he's wearing this one at a dozen different events showcased on my blog.)

  9. How fun for you. My sister went to that concert, I hope she wasn't a drunk dancer you were mocking. Oh, she doesn't drink.

  10. Dave hates John Mayer, the kids love him, and I like him. Matt burned me three CDs and made me promise to always keep them in my car. Yes, some of his stuff still hasn't grown on me but I definitely have some favorites. When he's good, he can't be beat. (P.S. I'm so glad that you and Brett had a good time!)
