Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just in case you needed proof...

Proof that Val and Becca do exist. :)

South Jordan Middle School.
circa 1994 {ish}

Yup. That's Barney displayed in mine and Becca's locker.
We thought it was funny.
I especially love the overalls, the sweatshirt around the waist, and the scrunchies on the wrists. Classic mid-nineties fashion.


  1. sooooo..what you are saying is I need to stop going out in public in my overalls, with my sweatshirt around my waist and my scrunchy? just checkin.

    that's awesome!

  2. You have always been so cool. I can even tell from this pic that you 3 were on the cutting edge of the 90s. Especially because in Davis County 1994 - they still had bangs and lots of hair spray.

  3. I totally remember the shirt Becca is wearing! Love this pic!

  4. You have always been so beautiful! I'm jealous you never had to experience being totally and utterly awkward and ugly in middle school. I would never dare post a picture of myself in middle school! You lucky girl. P.S. Thanks for the Christmas card. You have a coveted spot on our fridge!

  5. Ha ha ha! I LOVE this picture! And I agree with Lindsey - you look amazing - especially for Junior High. My youngest sister once told me that if she was in high school with me (not even junior high) she would just feel bad for me! Definitely awkward, nerdy and weird! :)

    ** Thanks for stopping by. Not many get to see me in my Christmas Jammies / Chunky Necklace fashion statement - um can we say awkward, nerdy and weird? Guess I haven't grown out of it yet? :)

  6. Alicia-just got your Christmas card. It's so cute. You have a darling family! And I love your blog. Can you talk Becca into starting hers back up? You have more power over her than I do.
