Friday, December 17, 2010


We woke up the other morning to the perfect snowy scene.
I love these kind of mornings... You know the kind... the-Ralphy-looking-out-his-bedroom-window-on-Christmas-day-before-he-runs-downstairs-and-gets-a-Red-Rider-bb-gun-kind-of-morning.

I'm sure my neighbors think I'm nuts.

Pretty girl in front of the tree.
{I wish she would smile more for the camera.}

Jake the Snake in his jammies.

And, hey-- there are four of us now?
What the what!
Actually, I'm just showing off my mom's stitching talents.


  1. I love little Sarah, she is so sweet. Sadie has that same shirt, did you make her hair bow it's way cute!
    Cute stockings as well!

  2. I'm sorry, but your photog skills are KICK ASS-TIC!!!! I love your winter pics and the one of your stockings is so artsy! Dang, I'm impressed! That Sarah, kills me! Her little look of contentment is so precious! Jakey still waking up in his jammies is sweet...that is the most still I've seen him LOL!!! LOVE THEM!

  3. yeah, I really like the stocking pic and the snow one with the house in the background...good job!

  4. Those pics are great. Will you write me on facebook and tell me what kind of camera you have and what you like or hate about it? I'm casually on the hunt for a good camera!

  5. Great snow pics!! I love trees when they are coated with snow like that. Truly magical in my eyes. I meant to ask you about your stockings the other day. They caught my eye, and I loved the stitching on them too. What a mom!
