Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Disney World! {Monday}

We're home. We're in love with Disney. We're still exhausted.
Blaine's convention was sooooooooo worth it all. :)

So, rather than do one frickin' huge post, I'll do six... one for each day we were there. Sorry. I'll be sure to title them all  something "Disney-Riffic" so you can skip them all if you want to.

 Eating in our hotel (The Contemporary Resort). If you're wondering what Sarah is smiling at-- it might be the monorail that ran right through the hotel.

 Check it out!!

 Jakey on the monorail. 
I think this may have been Jake's most favorite thing about Disney World. Seriously.

 The Disney World Cinderella castle.
For real-- this castle is amazing.
 How's this picture for Disney magic???
And this???

 Jake all suited up with his "1st Visit!" button and Mickey sticker. (He's wearing the button as I type.)

My friend Allison blogged about her trip to Disneyland a while back... she had a picture similar to this one with her little girl waving to her from the carousel and said "When I die, this will be one moment that flashes before my eyes." Ditto, Al. Ditto.

 Sleepy girl.

I love my huge stroller.

 "Let the Memories Begin!"

 Two sleeping kids. I love how they fell asleep in the exact same position.

 Here is the view from our hotel-room balcony.
I know, right?

 Then, we headed back to the Magic Kingdom just in time for fireworks and Disney's Electric Parade.

It was so magical, we made sure we spent a couple late nights in the Magic Kingdom.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ange's Baby Shower (Yo Angela!!)

I just love it when I get to attend a friend's shower who has struggled getting pregnant. I'm so happy for Ange (and Craig), and can't wait for little boy Christiansen to get here.

Lizzy hosted Ange's shower and it was (of course) amazing. I love my friends... Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Rochelle or Haley and I'm not sure why. Next time.

Janelle and Dottie

Lizzie and Ange

Emily's laugh is so contagious.

Ange, Anna, and Janelle.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our Park

So, my friend, Kimmy started up this awesome play-group with some neighbors. I have LOVED doing this and LOVE the moms that are involved.

Sarah and Karley

Sarah in shades.

Melanie and her girls, Josie and Carly.

Kimmy and Karley

Karley swinging. I don't know why this struck me so funny. I love that her little arms are tucked in.

Funny, right? So cute.

Cute kids. (Jake was there too... he was just busy climbing his life away.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Jake can READ... the Cabela's, Costco, Ikea, Wal-Mart, and Target signs.
He's a genius. And a sucker for advertising and marketing. Just like me.

Anyway, here we are watching the fishies at a Cabela's run. We are just your average red-neck family.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

All good TV turns to Crap eventually

You knew it was coming... I knew it was coming...
Actually, I think it happened a long time ago, but I've been holding on for much too long.
Anyway, I'm officially done with these shows:

Oh, Glee. I wish you had just stuck to your original focus on music, theater, and humanity that made me love you oh, so much. Somewhere, somehow the show's focus has shifted away from a funny, satiric, and touching anecdote to an agenda-driven, satire-less, teenage soap. Okay, it was always a teenage soap, but it was one I thought was witty and poignant... with a lot more Sue Sylvester (Where has she been this season?) The episodes that had me reeling were the alcohol one, and the sex-education one. And really? The writers are going to pretend that suddenly Santana is gay??? What the what! That would be like if the writers of Modern Family (Oh, I love Modern Family!) decided to write another of its characters as gay. It's inconsistent to the story and a blatant push to gear up for more gay viewers. Lame City.

Grey's Anatomy:
I have been watching only when I felt like it for a couple seasons now. I think this show used to be witty and sexy and interesting to watch. Now, I feel like it's just tired. I think I've only been watching for Owen (I love him!) and Christina (still my favorite).
Anyway, I decided to officially drop G.A. after the musical episode. Soooooooo laaaaaame. There were only a couple cast members who could actually sing, but the episode was awkward and nonsensical and just plain weird at times. Scrubs did it much better. Who doesn't love Turk and J.D. singing about "guy love".

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Jake's Latest Craze

He carries it around with him and even has his own little sailboat "scripture bag".

Hairspray Day

The Lee girls were waaaaayyy overdue for some quality sister time together. So, when Hale Theater added a couple extra matinee shows for Hairspray, we made a plan and jumped into action.

This show was so much fun. I already knew that I loved the movie version, and Hale (as usual) didn't disappoint me with their rendition of this amazing musical. It was killer. The only thing that was a little sad for me was that the poor lead (Tracy Turnblad) gal's voice was almost gone. It was obvious that she had been putting her all into the show for weeks and there just wasn't much voice left. She was so talented--but just had a hard time belting it out. However, everyone else was amazing and more than made up for it. I think my very favorite part was Motormouth Maybelle's "I know where I've been". It seriously brought me to tears, it was so beautifully and powerfully sung. Oh, and I seem to have developed a crush on this version of Seaweed also.

It was so great being out with my sisters... without chasing after kiddos. I love my sisters and it's nice to just focus on each other sometimes.

Not the best picture... but you get the idea. :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Snowy Sunday

It's pretty weird that just a few days prior to Conference Weekend was all sunshine and SPF, and then our Sunday morning session of Conference looked like this. Just typical crazy Utah Spring weather.

Anyway, Conference was really wonderful. (There was just something about it this time for me.) And we loved having family over for snacks and dinner on Sunday... even in the snow!

Jake especially loved helping Daddy shovel the snow off the walkway. He was pretty cute about it and had a hard time coming back indoors.