Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Disney World! {Monday}

We're home. We're in love with Disney. We're still exhausted.
Blaine's convention was sooooooooo worth it all. :)

So, rather than do one frickin' huge post, I'll do six... one for each day we were there. Sorry. I'll be sure to title them all  something "Disney-Riffic" so you can skip them all if you want to.

 Eating in our hotel (The Contemporary Resort). If you're wondering what Sarah is smiling at-- it might be the monorail that ran right through the hotel.

 Check it out!!

 Jakey on the monorail. 
I think this may have been Jake's most favorite thing about Disney World. Seriously.

 The Disney World Cinderella castle.
For real-- this castle is amazing.
 How's this picture for Disney magic???
And this???

 Jake all suited up with his "1st Visit!" button and Mickey sticker. (He's wearing the button as I type.)

My friend Allison blogged about her trip to Disneyland a while back... she had a picture similar to this one with her little girl waving to her from the carousel and said "When I die, this will be one moment that flashes before my eyes." Ditto, Al. Ditto.

 Sleepy girl.

I love my huge stroller.

 "Let the Memories Begin!"

 Two sleeping kids. I love how they fell asleep in the exact same position.

 Here is the view from our hotel-room balcony.
I know, right?

 Then, we headed back to the Magic Kingdom just in time for fireworks and Disney's Electric Parade.

It was so magical, we made sure we spent a couple late nights in the Magic Kingdom.


  1. So fun for you guys!

    From the looks of everything, it looks like the kids behaved awesome! Grant and I are taking our kids this summer and I am nervous that it might be stimulation overload. Am I stupid for thinking this?

    Darling photos! Jack and Sarah sleeping cute!

  2. That looks so wonderful! Love all the pictures and can't wait to see the rest!

  3. nothing better than Disneyland, maybe Disneyworld? Jake looks so big to me, and did Sarah get some ears?

  4. YES! I have been waiting for these posts to start. It's getting me excited for the beach house...even though that is still forever away...

  5. I wish those mouse ears looked cool on adults, because I would LOVE to own a pair. Alas, they just look creepy. Your kids can rock them though :)

  6. Ahh! I'm so excited! We are going in 13 days!

  7. So so so so so beyond awesome!

  8. will regular ol' disneyland suffice anymore?? this looks too awesome!
