Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hate crazy-made-up baby names?... You're welcome.

My sister sent me this link today. I've been giggling all day long. Yikes.



  1. I hate hate hate that trend! So tacky! I had a few friends that have gone towards old-fashioned names, and I really love that. One named her baby Hazel, another Josaphine, and one Lucille. Way better than Hazyl, Josifeen and Loosyle. Ugh.

  2. ALICIA! You're 10 days too late. Just think about what "Abigail" COULD have been...
    Love that you shared this- thanks for the chuckle!

  3. Oh I spent a good hour on that blog yesterday laughing a good laugh. That was awesome!

  4. Snicker, snicker. I feel like I'm such an elitist for giving my children real names.

    (BTW, have I ever told you that I love the name Sarah and if I didn't have a lisp I probably would have named one of my girls Sarah. But really Sarah Sebourn, with a lisp, I don't think so!)

  5. I know quite a few kids with names that are on that list. I wonder if they regret it later but won't admit it....

  6. Thanks for the link!

    I was in DisneyWorld last year and cannot WAIT to go back. Your pictures are beautiful - I especially love the one of the castle with the magenta flowers.

  7. I'm with Jen, I too know some kids with those names. or at least variations of them. (you know, because the parents made them up)...yikes! I go through phases, sometimes I find it hilarious and other times I straight want to punch people. for instance the name Abcde. ahhhhh, I need to punch someone
