Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mall Train

A recent trip to South Towne Mall got us a free ride on the mall train for Jakey.

Just look at this kid. He was in heaven.

Trying to take a self-portrait with Sarah.

And again.

I kind of can't believe I got all of us in frame.

He looks so old to me here.

*Phew* He looks little here. Sometimes, I don't like him growing up at all.


  1. Oh man, Crew would be in heaven on that train!

    Such darling kiddos! {and of course, your darling as well!} After all, you made them that way.

  2. Oh man I bet Jakey was in heaven there. How fun!

  3. Oh my goodness, Alisha. What a darling family! I think Jake looks like your brothers in the pix where you think he looks grown up. Tell your mom "HI". Does she know that your old house is in foreclosure? I saw them putting on a new roof today. Tell them to move back!!:)

  4. I love that train. Jake looks pretty happy too. When do we get to see him meeting Thomas?

  5. Beautiful kiddos! Wow, great pictures too! Spencer would love that train here. We have one in our downtown that I kick myself all the time for not taking him on it. It is a touristy train, but super little kid size that takes us through our downtown and up the side of the mountain to the swimming pool up there. I'm putting it on my high priority list. Spencer would love it!

  6. Anytime we drive past South Towne Mall, Jack gets excited to see the train. If we are in a store and he hears the train, we have to go to the front of the store to see the train go by.
