Thursday, June 2, 2011


After the success of the mall train, we decided it was high time Jake went a real train. Thomas came in town over Memorial Day weekend and we made a day out of it. 

{Except that in preparation for the day I charged my battery and then forgot to put in back in the camera before leaving the house. Good thing I've been carrying our little Sony camera around lately. Ugh.}

The funniest thing about Jake with outings like this, is that he seems to lump major events together. For example, he's been talking non-stop about riding Thomas at Disney World. Funny kid.

 First look at Thomas. 

 This train is ooooollllld. But seriously, pretty cool.

 Jake got a cute "Jr. Engineer" certificate. It is currently his most prized possession.

 Blowing kisses.

 Jake didn't really get that we only got tickets for one ride on Thomas. We had to explain that Sir Topham Hatt only lets us go on it once.

 Temporary tattoos.

 This sums up Sarah's personality Memorial Day weekend.
 Happy guy.

Two sleepy Carter kids.
I love that the fall asleep in the same manner so often.

{I've since put a girly car-seat cover on Sarah's new ride. It's so cute and so unnecessary.}


  1. Maurice and Mekhi went also and Mekhi was over the moon with excitement! We should get them together to play trains! =)

  2. That looks like fun, Sawyer would have loved that! And had I not just had Sophie I really wanted to take Sadie and Sawyer, I guess next year! I went years ago when my oldest nephews were little and that train was old then too! :) So fun though.

  3. What a fun day! My nephew went last year and is STILL obsessed with Thomas!

  4. What a fun adventure and happy memory. I'm happy that you and Blaine gave him a Thomas fix. Poor Sarah, maybe next time she'll love it too.

  5. My nephew did this and it was a magical day. Yours looks like one too!

  6. Jakes first glimpse of Thomas is so darling. Melts my heart!

    Crew would LOVE this! When Thomas is in Durango we will be out of town and I am heartbroken about it! :(
