Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Worst. Movie. Ever.

I should have stuck to my Jane Austen streak on my Tuesday movie night alone. Actually, anything would have been better than this garbage. Aside from John Krasinski's character (his was the only character with half a brain), every person in this movie is awful. No morality. No accountability. No redeeming qualities at all. Hate. Hate. Double hate.


  1. good to know, I was going to rent it but now I know not to. Thanks

  2. I knew I hated this before it was even born. The worst part is that our book club read it (can you believe this is a book??). We let everyone take a turn at suggesting a book for the month. Most people have good taste - one person doesn't. Needless to say, I didn't read it.

    I did however watch "Easy A" and I loved it.

  3. I wanted this to be a winner, but it just looked so awful, I couldn't bring myself to watch it. Nice to hear someone I respect agrees. I will avoid. Thanks lady.

  4. Well, I'm going to admit that I read this book, hated it, but then read its sequel also. The second book helped to redeem the first one because several of these idiots finally grew up. Believe it or not, the movie was easier to watch than the first book was to read. The jury is still out with me-- I don't know if the redemption is worth all the garbage you have to muck through to get there.
