Thursday, September 1, 2011


It's September. Really.

On one hand, it's been a long, weird summer and I'm ready for Fall.
{Actually, I'm always ready for Fall. It's soooo my favorite season.}

On the other hand, I feel like I haven't lived up Summer enough and I'm feeling guilty.
Not enough family barbecue time. Not enough pool time. Not enough of just being lazy.

But, September is going to be a great month for us. We've got a lot to look forward to. I'm actually so excited about it I can barley sit still just thinking about it. 

So hello, September. I love you.


  1. I know, seriously!!??? I can honestly say that this summer has been my favorite, laziest, most glorious summer of my life, AND it still went too fast. I am thrilled about your September, and I'm only part of one of the events! I am vicariously part of the other:) I heart Sean this time of the year! LOL Can't wait til tomorrow!!!:)

  2. Bring on autumn. Summer was strange. Let's get Brett married and then start thinking about hot chocolate and cute leather boots.
