Tuesday, January 31, 2012


My old dishes cupboard (I got it for Christmas when I was three from Santa Claus) and I needed a little makeover. I still need to put a final coat of polyurethane  on her, but the kiddos love her just the same...

I'd like to think they love me just the same too. Even with a shorter, blonder do. Jake told me that I look like Rupunzel... you know, when her hair gets cut short at the end. haha Love that kid.

By the way, I love Jen (Paynter) Scott too. I'm so happy she's doing hair again. She's got magic hands and I love our talks. 


  1. love the cupboard and your new hair style! it looks great on you!

  2. I love that length. I'm trying to grow mine to about there. It's so cute. Nice job Jen!

  3. Aw so adorable! Can't wait to see the hair in person!

  4. Alicia...there's no easy way to say this to family and especially an English teacher. But something like this should come from family and not a stranger. Alicia...Santa Claus does not have an "e" at the end. I turned a blind eye on your Christmas post but I don't want Jake growing up believing in a fat merry old legal document.

  5. oh you're smokin/that cupboard is adorable

  6. Good eye Robby, good eye. As for the dishes cupboard and your new "do", they both look awesome.

  7. You know... I think I always thought the e was one of those Brit things like "grey" or "colour". I just thought I was channeling my inner Brit.
    My bad. I will never make this mistake again. :)

  8. I love the dishes cupboard! Nice job! I am loving the yellow a ton!!! I kinda wanna come over and play with Sarah and Jake and make some muffins or something! i think you are one of those that can pull off any length of hair and I think that is awesome!!! Not many people can do that! AND bring on the blonde!!! That one can have an "e" or not..your mom told me that if the blonde has an "e" it means the blonde is a girl, but if blond is without an "e" it means the blond is a boy...???? I don't know? And frank LEE, I liked your Santa Clause...I was enjoying the English twist!

  9. You haven't aged a day since high school. When I saw these pics I thought they were old but I was thinking "her son is in them so they aren't old!"
    Love you.
