Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy February

I know, I know... this is a ridiculous amount of pictures.
But these little sweethearts are so freakin' cute and my new photography lights are so freakin' awesome, that I'm posting {almost} every one I took.
Happy February.



  1. Amazing. Can you take my picture and make me look that good?

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. I love them. So I started looking at this post, and Scarlett came over and wanted up on my lap. Adorable. I guess she loves her Sarah and Jakey just as much as I do!

  3. Darling pictures AND kiddos, Alicia! Sarah's cute red dress and cute smile are perfect, and Jake looks like a "little Lee boy"-cute, cute, cute!

  4. a LOT of pictures, yes. So glad you posted them all, because each one is adorable! Again, I ask- how do you get a big brother to smile NEXT to his sister, without squeezing, tackling, or otherwise annoying his little sister? They are such cute little buddies!

  5. i am dying! these are all so darling! of them.
