Thursday, May 17, 2012

Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point

We, of course, jumped at the chance to go to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point a few weeks ago with our Carter cousins. I'm not sure exactly why I don't have a single picture of Jen or Van-- but I'm sure it has something to do with Jen's handiwork behind the camera for most of these shots. (Thanks, Jen!)
Anyway, we had a great day and loved our pony rides, our wagon ride, and all the Springtime baby animals... seriously, adorable.

Jake was a champ. He smiled the entire pony ride and I loved seeing him so proud.

Jack was not happy about his ride. He had his eye on  a different pony and another mom and kid snaked it from under him. Poor Jack.

Still... pretty great face there, Jack. Gotta love an angry kid sometimes.

See? Awesome.

Sarah was very serious on her ride. She loved every second of it too.

Markelle and Miles.

Sarah and me.
Seriously, thanks again Jen.

Jack and the rooster.

We were on a pretty tightly-packed wagon, but these boys still had fun.

Petting the adorable baby lamb that followed this employee around like it was their mother. It was so freakin' cute.

Wow. That's some cheeser on my girl.

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