Friday, May 18, 2012

Sarah is TWO!

This little girl turned two on Friday. Here she is eating birthday pancakes.
Her birthday party was Saturday night. We had family over (even Nona and Poppy!) and had a ball.

Jake and Jack sucking down Mint Juleps.

Party people.

Miles and Ashlee.

Jack and Brent.

Michelle and kids.

Hawaiian Sweet Roll Sandwiches.
So. Freakin'. Good.

Hey, birthday girl!

It's a good thing I haven't bought anything new for Sarah to wear in a while... because she scored big time on her birthday!

"Pretty dress!" from DeeDee and PopPop.

Sarah loves her new purse from DeeDee and PopPop so much that she had to bring it to church with her on Sunday.

New bike (her first bike) from Nona and Poppy.

Sarah's present from Mom and Dad. (It's a hit.)

Trying on her new princess shoes.

Doug and Van.

Two candles for the birthday girl.

Family picture on the front porch.

Sarah with Nona and Poppy.

Kaiya wanted in on this photo opportunity also.

Benny was hilarious and having a great time playing in the balloons.

Oh, this boy is so sweet.


  1. Happy birthday sweet girl! Love her piggies! Precious!

  2. okay, let's be real... the two year old inside of me is deeply envious of those barbies. i'm just saying...

  3. Ok, you look fabulous! And happy birthday, Sarah- such a fancy pink party!

  4. You and Sarah are such pretty girls! And yes those sandwiches were so good

  5. What a perfect party! I'm sad we couldn't be there but hey, we got to see you this past weekend instead. I smiled all the way home thinking of Sarah blowing me kisses as she said goodbye.

  6. Yay! You guys are so good at doing parties. I love all her princess stuff.

  7. such a cute little 2 year old! (and once again, I have that same stripey shirt. man, we have good taste...)
