Sunday, January 25, 2009

Best. Joke. Ever.

I'll never forget the time I told this joke at the dinner table of my Uncle Rick and Aunt Joan... I'm pretty sure there were crickets singing and a big huge cane ready to pull me off stage. It stunk. And was apparently really inappropriate. I was so embarrassed and actually can't believe they still like me. That's true love for you. They love me in spite of my flair for inappropriate Sunday-dinner-table jokes. Thanks Kemptons. And, thanks Seth Green for putting my favorite joke on your genius show.


  1. You know Jeff and I were laughing very hard on the inside....just couldn't let it show. :) You should have just waited a few years to tell that joke when my mom was on her pain might have had a better crowd then....kudos Alicia...kudos....

  2. I love inappropriate Sunday dinner jokes. That is why I married Brian - he is full of inappropriate. You are hilarious. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh man, I forgot how awkward that moment was... hilarious! I love that those of us who thought it was funny just sat there and let you sweat. And I love that you originally got the joke from our 12 year old brother.

  4. I have to admit that when I heard that joke at work I laughed hysterically. It just hit me as the funniest joke ever. Whenever someone says "That's driving me nuts" we all say "Arr matey".

  5. Happy!!! That joke still makes me laugh just as much as 5-year-old red-curly-haired Matty asking, "What kind of bees make milk?


  6. Ha, ha. I love that joke. BTW, I finally updated!

  7. um, hadn't heard that one, but I think of the blonde milk bath from time to time:)
    James is in the background quoting the pirates right now. thanks;)

  8. I can't image a single family dinner where that would be an UNappropriate joke to tell. (You've met my parents.)

  9. Sorry English teacher. It should be INappropriate. The word I used was clearly from my imagination and not a dictionary.

  10. That is hilarious!
    You're hilarious!
