Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sweet dreams. Good morning.

Last night I dreamed that I was shopping with my friend, Jen and I found the perfect, cutest diaper bag. I was really disappointed when I woke up...until I realized that Jake slept TWELVE hours! What bliss is mine.


  1. HOW WOULD IT BE??? I don't even know what I would do with myself!! What's the secret?

    Crew generally does really well at night. But this past week he thinks he wants to eat twice as opposed to once. That extra feeding is really taking it out of me. I know, it could be worse... but I still feel like I have the right to complain :-) At least he goes right back to sleep, so i'll try and look at the bright side!

    But seriously, whats the secret?

  2. OH MY GOSH! A. MA. ZING! Love it. I've got Spencer on 10 hours and I'm a sane mom again.

  3. sweetness! Good on ya! You can never get enough sleep or enough cute diaper bags

  4. YAY!!! Tessa slept 11 hours straight the other day - it was WONDERFUL!!!!!

  5. He's a cute little guy...all you Lee's have cute kids. Thanks for the help on the blog...I've gone in and made it fancier... :) Sorry if I stole a few of your ideas.... :)

  6. That is the best feeling ever! Congrats on your champion sleeper.

    I wish I was coming to UT tomorrow. I will keep you posted if a trip is ever planned.

  7. oh, Isn't it great when they start sleeping longer! My kids both starting sleeping through the night at about 3 months, it is wonderful!

  8. oh you lucky girl you!! Well my little guy woke up every 2 hours (cuz he has croup)... wanna trade babies!?! :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Who's blog-stalking who now?! Actually, whom is blog-stalking whom now?! That's better.

    I'm about to get back into the whole blogging shuh-bang. I've been busy. Busy sleeping. Busy working sometimes. Busy watching Dexter. (If you don't watch that, get in the loop already. It's just as addictive as black tar heroine - and i love it).

    So, hey - remember that time we saw the best movie of 2005 together, Stealth? Man, that was fantastic. A movie experience that I'll never forget.

    Have you been watching the new Scrubs? I love 'em. I even love J.D.'s beard. If you could see me right now, I'd be slightly tilting my head, looking upwards, thinking, 'I wish I could grow a beard.' Rememer that time we watched somewhere around 9 hours of Scrubs one Sunday afternoon. Memories.

    Remember making fun of Mark for being 'that guy' who drives a Jeep? Well, now I'm 'that guy.' It sucks, but I keep telling myself, 'Don't worry. It's only a loner. You're not.'

    Well, I'm off to the Hale (Hell) Center Theatre. Wish me luck. I need it.

    PSSSSSS - We need to make our kids be friends so they can get married later on in life if they survive the apocalypse. Wanna come over? We live in a tiny old house in South Jordan. Come play with us.

  11. 12 hours is awesome!! Hopefully he keeps it up. Eden will now reliably sleep from about 8-8 and it is the best thing EVAR.

  12. Life is good when the baby sleeps through the night. Jake is so cute.

  13. It's so nice when they finally start sleeping through the night! What a great milestone for you, I hope it continues!

  14. Cue in angels singing please. Wow! That is awesome! With both the boys sick, I feel like I am back to newborn stage. Both boys are up 5-6 times or the whole night even. Good work to your little man. I'll keep my eye out for the diaper bag!

  15. I hate shopping dreams. I totally woke up once and went to my closet to put on the ass-shrinking jeans I bought the day before... only to realize I had bought them in dreamland. Where I'm a lot skinnier I think.

  16. While it is great that Jake slept for such a wonderfully long time, the real news is that you dreamed of shopping for a diaper bag. I know they can be cute but honestly, who are you?

  17. there is a god! Can jake please tell Duncan his secret? I need sleep people. SLEEP!!!! Love like a sister licia!

  18. I must have a serious addiction when my friends start dreaming about shopping with me. By the way, nice on the 12 hours. Can Bailee and Jake get married???? He is the cutest ever!!!
