Sunday, February 8, 2009

All Things Jake

Major solicitation of how cute my kid is ahead...

Jake is over five months old and I cannot get enough of him. He is just the perfect addition to our little family and we love him more than we ever thought possible.
Motherhood is incredible. Seriously. The more I am a mom, the more I am so aware of how big a blessing motherhood really is. Needless to say, this kid is our joy and he rocks my world.

Things we adore about him: His laugh (he's got an adorable laugh and he loves to use it), his smile, his bent ear, how he spits (his latest trick), how he kicks his legs up in the air when we change his diaper (this kid loves to get his diaper changed), his little voice, the way he looks at us when we go get him in the morning, how he loves something soft against his cheek when he is tired, how he loves to be sung to (he totally has favorite songs), the way he examines everything, and the constant surprised look he always seems to have on his face.

Okay... here's a shameless amount of pictures of my baby boy.
Gosh I love my life.
  I have hardly any pictures of me with my boy. I made Blaine take a few.

How could you not love this little guy?
He loves his cereal.
Hangin' in the bumbo
This one kills me. I love that face!

He really is this happy most of the time. I am so lucky.
Can't you just guess what kind of crazy person Jake thinks his mom is by this expression?
Smallish photo-session post-church

He's just so handsome!
I know these two are pretty much identical... oh well. I love this kid.

This one's actually from today... He's getting better at sitting on his own.
Jake's first big-time high-chair meal. He's pretty much a pro these days.
I was so excited to use this little bear suit all winter-long. Turns out, he's only worn it for about 15 minutes... the time it took to walk to our neighbor's the other night. Still, he's pretty cute in it.


  1. Very cute bear suit, and he's so smiley!
    You've got to tell me where you get the leg warmer thingies.
    You look great too, by the way!
    It is exhausting at times (we're trying to let Porter scream/sleep through the night right now) but it is definately worth it, especially when they smile like little Jake.

  2. Oh my gosh! I have been waiting for some new pics! He is absolutely adorable! I can totally see you and your cute mom in that baby boy! What a beautiful boy!!!! You look so awesome, Alicia! Beautiful as always. I love you and am so proud of you. Thanks fo being such a great mom.

  3. Okay, first things first!! I LOVE HIM!! He is so adorable and seems like such a little happy thing!!

    Crew totally has a bent ear also!! FUNNY!!

    Next time you guys come to NM please call! I want to get Crew and Jake together!!

    And last but not least, I really like your hair! Its shorter then I remember and I likey!!

  4. See? I KNEW you wanted to post your picture of Jakey!!! And he really IS that cute. Just so you know. Notable things about these photos: Jake's ADORABLE sweater vest (from his favorite auntie) - that the "identical" pictures are named Perfect Baby 1 and 2 - his amazing blue, blue eyes - and bear suit Jake! I love this boy of yours so much! Like I said the other day, I seriously couldn't imagine you with ANY baby other than Jake. Love you guys!

  5. Oh my gosh, I love that kid! He has such a cute little personality. Thanks for letting me play with him the other day!

  6. I can see so much of you and Blaine in him, it's awesome! I really love the sweater and yes he is very handsome.

  7. You look great! Baby is yummy! I miss you.

  8. Ode to the ALicia and Blaine Genetic pool!!! IT's fantacular! You can never have TOO many photos of such a wonderful specimen and furthermore...DOn'T you ever apologize for showcasing my nephew! He really is THAT adorable!!! Will you please go on a vacation and leave him with us??Thanks again for the taxi rock

  9. He is just so cute and has changed so much. I can't believe he is 5 months already wow! What a cute little boy.

  10. Is it wrong to have a crush on your grandson? Because I do. Please email the pictures to my WalMart so that this Oedipus-type of a grandmother can have copies.

  11. Summy can't wait for him to take her to the Prom.

  12. That little guy is sooo cute. I am so happy to hear how happy you are. I miss you big time. The other night I had a dream that we were roommates again. I need some girl time.

  13. Bring on the bragging rights! It's all good girl! We've been waiting. Keep em comin. He is so darn cute. He would melt anyone's heart! Love it!

  14. Yup, darling indeed! Love how much you're loving motherhood, and I'm so glad Jake is so happy, too!
    Can't wait to meet him soon! (You're coming over Sunday, right?!!!)

  15. dang, you got some good shots of his sweet little face! me likey...and I am laughing because what do you know Jack has that exact outfit as well! hahaha

  16. Okay so I am really behind in my blog lookage and i just saw all of your cute cute cute cute pictures of your little guy! Alica, he is ADORABLE! I must squeeze him right now! I love his cute looks and he is just so precious. I am so happy that he is a good baby for you. I miss you! Loves, LaChae:)

  17. He is such a beautiful baby!!!

    And, you look way hot.

  18. He is the cutest Alicia!! I would love to see you sometime soon! I love your hair!

  19. He is a cute kid you are right. Where can I get some of those leg warmers?
