Sunday, May 31, 2009

We have a Crawler!

So, here I am posting Jakey pictures again.
That's funny.

We've had some big changes/progressions in the last week or so. It started with Jake all-of-a-sudden being able to sit up from a horizontal position. Then, he was really, really trying to crawl--not just rocking on all fours. Then distinctive babbling. He's always been pretty vocal, but we really think he's "talking" to us now and we love it. Then real crawling. And now, pulling himself up to a standing position. Wow. Nap-time just got a whole lot harder, but we can't help but feel so proud when we peek at him in his room to find him standing up and looking for us.

This parenting stuff is pretty cool.

Here are a few snaps of Jake's first "real" crawling experience right when we unpacked him from our trip to New Mexico.


  1. Look at little Jake go!!

    Isn't it just so awesome and exciting when these little guys learn to do something new!

    Did you feel like Jake all of a sudden learned how to do these things overnight almost? Crew sometimes rocks back and forth on him bum, but I don't really feel like he is showing many signs of crawling.......

    I would be so over joyed to see my baby standing waiting for me to get him out of his crib after naps. How fun for you guys!

  2. Yay! that's so cute. I love all the pictures you posted. He is getting so big! And Spencer's naps have been totally disrupted because of this. But I love how excited he gets when I go in to pick him up. That makes all the fussing worth it.

  3. That is always so fun when they start doing something new. He is so cute and your such a great momma!

  4. Yes!
    You can never turn back now! From this point on you'll be chasing him for the rest of your lives!

  5. Good job Jake! I want to be as happy as a baby is.

  6. I love mobile-Jake! He is getting so big!

  7. pretty exciting stuff...I like him.
