Monday, November 10, 2008


So, Blaine is back! He was out of town for about a week and I hated it. I used to be more independent than I am now, I think. Or maybe, as my mom says, I now know what I was missing. Whatever it is, I really, really hate sleeping alone. For this no-Blaine-stretch, I tried really hard to not be afraid. I even slept with only two lights on downstairs and my bedroom door open. Although I kept the pepper-spray on my night stand. :)
Anyway, Jake and I are so happy to have him back. I am a lucky girl to have someone I miss so much when he's not around.


Becca Jo said...

I know exactly how you feel. Stewart is going to be gone this whole next week and I'm so sad already. Going to bed is THE worst with out a hunny in there with you.

Cara said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one - I thought I should have outgrown being scared of the dark - but I haven't ;)

Lindsey said...

As much as I value my independence, I would trade it for codependence :]

LEE BIEN said...

If there is a silver lining to being separated it is that when I'm feeling lonely, I know that Dave is too. He never sleeps as well in a motel than he does at home and a lot of that is because of me!

Mom of three ♥ said...

I agree! I hate when Lance is gone and I have to sleep alone.. I never sleep well when he is gone!

Laurel said...

I'm just glad you made it to my house for a sleepover ONE of the nights sans-Blaine... :) And I totally sleep with my pepper spray under my pillow when Jason is gone, too.

Trace said...
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Ryan and Janelle said...

Lovely post! Thanks for sharing.